USS Traveller


  • 2 Mission Posts

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Tue Oct 23rd, 2018 @ 2:12pm

Zado Kasmir

Name Zado Kasmir

Position Longjump Project Director

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Bolian
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 78
Hair Color None
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Typical Bolian female, narrow frame.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Vazik Kasmir
Mother Sylidra Kasmir
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kasmir is a brilliant theoretical physicist whose work on the Longjump Project has been nothing short of pivotal. It was her original working theory of changing the phase state of matter within a compressed gravity envelope that gave birth to the device that could 'jump' a starship through the galactic barrier without passing through it.
Strengths & Weaknesses She is a genius in her field, that does not mean she is a genius in all things. She has found the role of Longjump Project director to be more taxing than originally envisioned, as Starfleet and Federation pressure to curtail the mission grew with its ever-growing technological complexity.
Ambitions To see her device work, and to ensure the safe return of the USS Traveller.

Personal History Born and raised on Bolus, it soon became apparent that Zado Kasmir was special. She excelled at school, becoming the youngest attendee to the Bolus Science Collegium, and soon made her way not to Starfleet but to the private sector. There her work on abstract theoretical physics applications gave birth to the Phase Matter Transmitter, a device by which matter's phase state could be altered so it no longer adheres to any of the classical laws of physics.

Unfortunately, this technology's one drawback was scale. The energy required to run such a device would be immense, and inversely transmission distance would logarithmically scale upwards to the point of impracticality. What was the point of making a new way to fly if it could only send you a million lights years in a single direction?

Apparently, there was such a use, as one day a dashing Starfleet officer swept into her life and proposed a most daring plan of action. The Long jump could be used to send a vessel across the galaxy at an upward angle, intercepting one of the Globular Cluster drifting above the Gamma Quadrant: Messier 4. In the intervening five years of the mission a way to bring the Traveller back could be devised, and in fact, part of that plan had been created prior to their departure.

Kasmir longs to go with the Traveller but staying behind to ensure their success is paramount.