USS Traveller


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Wed Aug 23rd, 2023 @ 11:05pm

Lieutenant Mar Megara

Name Mar Megara MD

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Bajoran/Klingon
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9" (1.75m)
Weight 193 lbs (87.5kg)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description Typical of her Klingon heritage, Meg is tall and well-muscled, making her much heavier than she appears. The Bajoran half tempers it, however, giving her a much softer look. The Klingon forehead ridges overpower and minimize the Bajoran nose ridges so that most people do not realize she is Bajoran unless they take note of the earring she wears. Her hair is long and curly and she usually keeps it in a knot atop her head or a low pony while on duty. She has an oval face, caramel toned skin, and an easy smile that reaches right up into her dark brown eyes. Her overall appearance combined with a Spanish accent creates an impression one will not soon forget.


Father Brost, DECEASED
Mother Mar Tellis, age 56
Brother(s) Jor Leren, age 19
Sister(s) Mar Eris, age 18
Other Family Step-father: Jor Kespar, age 55

Personality & Traits

General Overview Everything Meg does is aggressive. Making friends, practicing medicine, picking out clothes for a night out with friends- all aggressive. She isn't overbearing or obnoxious at all, but simply puts everything she has available into everything she does. As she is fond of saying, “I do nothing half-assed.”

She is very cheerful and well adjusted. She is open and friendly both professionally and personally. She enjoys the company of strangers and friends alike, yet also values her alone time.

It is difficult to get on Meg's bad side, but you would be advised not to try. She can be vindictive and downright mean. As a friend, she is fiercely loyal and protective.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Friendly
-Has a bit of a temper
-Can be vindictive
Hobbies & Interests Rugby, Martial arts, animals, singing

Personal History Born on Qo'noS to a Bajoran mother and a Klingon father, Meg was much loved by both parents. To her father, Brost- the eldest son of his house, Meg was the most beautiful, strongest child he could have asked for and he was honored to be her father. His family was very unhappy with his marriage to her mother and tried everything they could to get rid of Mar Tellis and her daughter. Their chance came when Meg was only four years old.

Brost was killed while defending a Klingon colony not far from Qo'noS. Fearing for the safety of her child without a strong father to defend her, Mar Tellis took her daughter to Earth, which is where the first transport off Qo'noS was headed. (She had considered heading back to the Bajoran refugee colony on which she lived for several years before she met Brost, but as she met him there, she couldn't bear the thought of seeing all the same places that held all those memories.) She settled in Venezuela, where she bought a small pet shop and raised her daughter.

Tellis was very understanding of Megara's natural aggression and put her into martial arts classes to help her learn to channel it. In school, Meg made more male friends than female, due to her tendency to play rough. She played many sports before settling on Rugby, which made her mother nervous, but as Meg was naturally tougher than the other players, she needn't have. All through her years of playing, Meg never broke a bone or sustained a concussion.

When Meg was eight years old, a Bajoran man came into the pet shop looking for the right kind of food for a cat he had just adopted. He was so impressed with the knowledge the little part Klingon girl showed about animals, he stuck around until her mother returned. The two quickly hit it off and married when Meg was 10.

Meg applied to Starfleet Academy in her final year of secondary school and was accepted pending her graduation. Her mother and step-father were incredibly proud when she entered the Academy at the age of sixteen- perhaps a little behind most full-blooded Klingons, but definitely ahead of Bajorans and humans. Not knowing what she wanted to study, she went with the admissions board's recommendation of Medicine and entered pre-med classes.

She graduated twelfth in her class at the Academy and started Medical school strong, determined to graduate first in her class. She managed to graduate second in her class, which she decided was nothing to sneeze at, and was sent for her internship with the USS Liberty. She completed her Residency aboard the Impala where she also served as ACMO. After several years there, she was transferred to the Revenant as the CMO. Not long after, a chance to join a crew in a different galaxy arose and she jumped at the chance. So, she headed to Messier 4 to await the return of the USS Traveler- to the newly built Canopus station- where she would take over as CMO.
Service Record 2372-2377: Starfleet Academy
2377-2381: Starfleet Academy Medical School
2381-2383: USS Liberty, Internship
2383-2384: USS Impala, Residency
2386-2388: USS Impala, ACMO
2388-2388: USS Revenant, CMO
2389-Present: USS Traveler, CMO