USS Traveller

Departments & Positions

  • Command (Primary Manifest)

    The Command department is ultimately responsible for the ship and its crew, and those within the department are responsible for commanding the vessel and representing the interests of Starfleet.

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  • Flight Control (Primary Manifest)

    Responsible for the navigation and flight control of a vessel and its auxiliary craft, the Flight Control department includes pilots trained in both starship and auxiliary craft piloting. This will include A grade certification in both Shuttle, Runabout and Workbee operations, as well as the requisite certificates for extreme atmospheric flight.

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  • Expedition Security & Tactical (Primary Manifest)

    Merging the responsibilities of ship-to-ship and personnel combat into a single department, the security & tactical department is responsible for the tactical readiness of the vessel and the security of the ship. They also make up the majority of Away Teams.

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  • Operations (Primary Manifest)

    The operations department is responsible for keeping ship systems functioning properly, rerouting power, bypassing relays, and doing whatever else is necessary to keep the ship operating at peak efficiency.

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  • Engineering (Primary Manifest)

    The engineering department has the enormous task of keeping the ship working; they are responsible for making repairs, fixing problems, and making sure that the ship is ready for anything. And given the nearest Starbase or Fleet repair vessel is going to be literally in another galaxy, a certain flexibility to squint at the standard issue repair manual is required.

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  • Science (Primary Manifest)

    From sensor readings to figuring out a way to enter the strange spacial anomaly, the science department is responsible for recording data, testing new ideas out, and making discoveries. Given the unique nature of the Traveller's mission, the Science Department will also be headlining as our pathfinder's. If your scientific degree comes with the words 'Action Geologist' somewhere in the diploma, you've found a home.

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  • Medical & Counseling (Primary Manifest)

    The medical & counselling department is responsible for the mental and physical health of the crew, from running annual physicals to combatting a strange plague that is afflicting the crew to helping a crew member deal with the loss of a loved one. This department will also be overseeing the Crew Rotation Berths, in which one-third of the Traveller's crew will be spending their time during the 5-year mission term. Whilst the majority will be manning the ship in an official capacity, the off-duty third will be in suspended animation to help stretch out supplies. Maintaining the welfare of our sleepers will be a top priority when not investigating new life forms.

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  • 82nd Advanced Deployment Squadron, 'Wyverns' (Primary Manifest)

    The members of the 82nd Advanced Deployment Squadron are assigned to Starfleet vessels and installations far from the traditional ports of call and supply. Used to missions far beyond the recovery limit of Starbases and the United Federation of Planets, members of the 82nd ADS have seen action in the Delta and Gamma Quadrants, and are now assigned to the Canopus Expedition in Messier 4.

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  • Diplomatic Detachment (Primary Manifest)

    Responsible for representing the Federation and its interest, members of the Diplomatic Corps are members of the civilian branch of the Federation.

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  • Intelligence/Pathfinder (Primary Manifest)

    The Intelligence department is responsible for gathering and providing intelligence as it becomes possible during a mission; during covert missions, the intelligence department also takes a more active role, providing the necessary classified and other information. This will also entail going through all recorded scan data to pinpoint possible civilisations within Messier 4, acting as both guardian and Pathfinder.

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  • Civilian Volunteer (Primary Manifest)

    Civilians play an important role in Starfleet, and even more so on the USS Traveller. These non-Starfleet crew function as the missions support staff, manning hydroponics, resource gathering and manning the recreational facilities on the Rec Deck.

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  • Canopus Station Defence Staff. (Secondary Manifest)

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  • Canopus Station CAG (Secondary Manifest)

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