USS Traveller
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Clutch of Fate

Posted on Sun Oct 28th, 2018 @ 11:38pm by Lieutenant Commander Shadi Zatra

468 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: S1:3: Myriad Problems
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD 61

Fear and rage meshed together in a yin-yang of passion. Shadi couldn't decide whether her whimpering was due to repressed violent urges or grief too impacted to bubble up into expression. The sight of Mazarian contained within a trauma ward stole her breath and thoughts away, leaving her with naught but the empty pangs of shock and disbelief.

Would that there was something to kill. Any offering to the Blood Goddess would do, but Shadi was forlorn. Standing on the other side of the containment unit, not two meters away from her beloved, Shadi couldn't help but scorn the primitive beliefs of her Warrior Code. What good were they out here on the tattered edge of the galaxy? Would the Goddess even hear a lone petition this far away from the N'Ragolar hearth?

There were no answers. Due to whatever adversary Abborax had left in the shuttle bay, a number of people had lost life and limb defending the ship. Mazarian bravely resisted, as Shadi had always known in her heart of hearts to be true. That starving mammal Jolani had insisted that her one true love was in service to Abborax, but instead he had potentially given his life to foil the Myriad's trap and save the whole crew. And with that sacrifice, the medical staff was far too busy to give her an update. They may as well have been the Blood Goddess herself for as little as they informed Shadi.

At least they had let her remain. The carnivorous, non-verbal threat she made against the nurse who asked her to leave saw to that. Everyone else just accepted her presence and managed to work around her.

Shadi pressed her palm against the observation glass. The weight of the moment dragged it downward, etching a faint scratch from her retracted claws.

"I love you, Mazarian," she hissed. "Pleassse don't leave me. I've only just found you. No one else hearsss me, but I hope you do." Her round eyes squinted in ductless crying. "Pleassse..."

A rumble in her stomach snatched her out of the melancholy reverie. Shadi snorted. Not only had life taken a turn toward Starvation, but so had her body. It had been a few hours since she'd eaten, but there was no way she could be so hungry already.


Shadi's eyes bulged wide in sudden realization. That rumble may have come from her abdomen, but the subsequent lower tingle signaled what every Saurian female knew from their first shedding. Swollen pelvis, abundant moisture, mood swings...

"Oh my Goddess!" Shadi shouted.

A few startled glances went her way before the medical teams returned to whatever they had been doing. That didn't matter to Shadi, for they didn't know what she knew deep in her bones. Shadi Zatra, daughter-spawn of Ragolar, was with egg.


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