USS Traveller
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On The Prowl

Posted on Tue Dec 19th, 2017 @ 11:07am by Lieutenant Commander Shadi Zatra

740 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S1: These Are The Voyages...
Location: Various Shock Absorbers
Timeline: MD 2; 12.00

Shadi had left the briefing without being formally dismissed, and she hadn't slowed down long enough to allow Victor to form a proper Security team. These acts of sabotage had led to the death of her superior officer right before her very nostrils. She would not linger another moment to ensure the safety of the rest of the crew... and perhaps redeem some of her withered honor.

When Victor caught up to her, she had already torn off the access panel to the first shock absorber.

"I'll take the lead, if you don't mind," Shadi said. "I already know what I'm looking for."

Vic chuckled,"By all means, I'll be right behind you." He said as two of his officers rounded the corner, "Set up shop on this deck and don't let anyone into any access hatches."

"Aye sir." they replied in unison and one of them stepped away to begin coordinating the effort.

"After you." Vic said gesturing to Shadi to enter the cramped space.

Shadi slithered in on her belly without need for bending or stooping. The shock absorber joint was not far, and she was already halfway down the camshaft before anyone else came near.

"Got you."

Another controller unit was in almost precisely the same spot as the last one. It crumpled in her hand before it had a chance to... do whatever it did before. Send of some kind of signal, perhaps.

"Next," Shadi said as she slithered back up to the top.

Vic sighed, he hated these touch and go ops. "How many more are there?" he asked hoping there was a number.

"Sssurely you must be joking," Shadi hissed with derision. "You just had these locations verified, did you not?"

"Verified yes, counted, no." He said with a chuckle.

Shadi stormed ahead, hissing something about foolish warm-bloods. Her mind turned to consideration of the sabotage devices. "It would sssseem the first one was activated by Gark's killer, so the rest of these ought to be safe to remove."

She hefted the remains of the device in a light toss. "These were fabricated locally. There's no way they were snuck in. And there had to be more saboteurs."

Pushing the busted device toward Victor's chest, Shadi rushed in the opposite direction. "Have your team destroy the rest when upon removal as I already demonstrated. I'm going to check who's been accessing the industrial replicator."

"Of course, I'll go with you." Vic said trying to keep up with her, 'these Saurians can move' he thought to himself. "Reynolds to security team alpha, I'm sending instructions to deactivate the devices to your tricorders, make sure they're properly distributed and taken care of ASAP. Me and Ensign Zatra may have found a lead."

"Aye Sir." His officer replied before cutting the line.

"I wonder if there would be a way for us to set up a detecting protocol where if the elements of these devices are materialized by the replicator anywhere on the ship it'll warn security." He added, hoping the Ensign heard him in her haste.

"We could do one better," Shadi replied. "This design can be wiped from the memory with a flag protocol installed in the event someone attempts to reprogram it. Anyone who attempts to fabricate another one will be unable to do so, and if they're ssstupid enough to reprogram it, then we'll know exactly who it is."

"Great, can you set that up? I think you're more computer savvy than I am." Vic said as they approached the next junction entrance for Shadi to slither into.

"I shall ssset it up right now while you take over the extraction process." Shadi dashed away to the fabrication shop on Deck 14.

She was gone before Vic could say anything."Well then, guess I'll do it then." Vic slid into the jeffries tube and found the device in question not too far off the beaten path. As he began to mess with it he triggered something causing it to beep quietly. "uhhhhh." was all he could say as it slowly got faster and faster, "Crap crap crap!" he said as he began to button mash on his tricorder. By some luck he was able to send the proper carrier wave that disabled the device and it stopped beeping. "Reynolds to Zatra, what's your status? I damn near blew myself up!"

Shadi hissed something about forgetting the face of one's father. "I'll be right there!"


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