USS Traveller
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Come The Day, Come The Hour

Posted on Mon Nov 6th, 2017 @ 6:05am by Captain Remas McDonald

450 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: S1: These Are The Voyages...
Location: Ship Wide
Timeline: MD 2 8.00

“Crew of the USS Traveller...huum...that doesn’t sound right.”

Men and women in uniform stopped in their duties for a moment as the voice drifted over the intercom. They had all met the Captain of the Traveller, given the nature of their mission they had all been hand-picked. But they had never heard the Rishian spacefarer sound introspective, thoughtful. Always was he the man who knew the path he was walking down, always sure, always certain.

“Last night in a time that was meant to be our joy, viper arose to remind us what we stand loose. Lieutenant Daton and Crewman Lich died in a vicious and cowardly attack that damaged nothing but a secondary system. We mourn their loss, but we do not let it stay our feet. Already Daton’s team of engineers, along with our new Chief Engineer Arivek Zhuri are finalising repairs. We are not broken, we are not done.”

A pause, a chance for people stand and think, to ponder on what was lost and why.

“Last night I was to give a speech, a rousing commencement to our grand endeavour. ‘To boldly good where no one has gone before’, words we have seen written and recited by thousands of scholars across the Federation. Two hundred years ago that would have been a flight out to Bajor. A hundred ago, a trip to the Klingon Empire and back. We few now stand upon the precipice of a grand adventure the likes none could imagine. And to that end, I have given the order to star the Long Jump Accelerator. As I speak the rings begin to move, their stately procession soon to become a blur of implausibility. Science so mad as to make us all seem sane in our gibbering is how I think I put it when one of the science types tried to explain this whole process.”

“We are too soon to be on our way. We have cut every corner, worked out every angle. The accelerators countdown has been set for six hours, at which point we will be departing for parts unknown. I task you, one and all, to make us ready. To make us Travellers. We trained for this, we have worked hard for this. And I will be damned if cowards who commit crimes in dark places will stop us from bringing light to the unknown.”

Silence, a pause, a moment to reflect.

“Huum...I’m not good at finishing these sort of things. So.”

Not exactly ‘We few, we band of brothers’.

But it was enough.

Soon the Traveller would live up to its namesake.

And for one crewman Samno, there was little time to waste.


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