USS Traveller
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Finally! Sickbay Gets Customers

Posted on Tue Jan 15th, 2019 @ 3:00pm by Lieutenant Dinui Locke (loch) & Master Warrant Officer Tsabina

1,431 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: S1:3: Myriad Problems
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Timeline: MD 61 9.15AM

5 aliens had been beamed into sickbay. Well...maybe 4, as one of them seemed to be a large sphere of violet crystal that was shrinking slowly from beach ball to softball size. One was a hulking brute with four arms, but eyes that seemed kind. Two were human-like, with horns that rose from their foreheads and swept back along the skulls. These two seemed the most in need of aid, with the female one's hands wrapped in rough bandages slowly turning a dark red.

And then there was the blue-skinned, four-eyed one standing on a biobed.

"I demand to be returned!" he screamed, looking down at the others and then back to the nurses and doctors. "I am Protectorate Bar'soon'fo'da'gree'nars, Third of my Title, holder of the lightning throne, guardian of the sacred skulls of Antiok and ruler of the world of Shishimi and all its celestial compani-"

The four armed alien reached out with one of his power upper arms, grabbed the loud mouth Bar'soon around the throat and lifted him off the biobed and squeezed.

"Quiet, loud little kingling," he said with a growl.

Tsabina looked up from the daily morning huddle of her med techs and gasped. "Scans! We need scans, stat. Get that one into ICU and that one a sedative." She looked around for the CMO. "And somebody notify Dr. Kal! We may end up writing a new chapter in alien physiology before we're through."

Dinui did not normally come down to Sickbay if she could avoid it, but the need to see just whom/what she had saved besides their CEO was just too strong. So after getting an okay from the Captain to leave the bridge she bee-lined for Sickbay. She came into the room in time to hear the medical personnel demanding to know where the Doctor was and she winced she should have given them a heads up but there hadn't really been time. "Anythin' Ah can be helpin' wi'?" she asked as she neared the getting toward chaotic center of the room.

"Unless you're a certified med tech or maybe a certified xenobiologist, please have a seat against the wall," Tsabina said to Dinui. She tapped her combadge. "Tsabina to Kal. We need you in Sickbay immediately."

"I'm a medical tech," Detus said, looking around the sickbay with eyes wide with wonder. " Right. I need 4 filgers of low sodium gastrate, and whatever you use as a morphax base. And some kimiti as a shock suppressant."

"It is, perhaps unlikely, they use such items on an alien ship," the crystal ball said in its odd melodic way. "I am not a medical technician, but I would hazard that he is asking for painkillers, an oxygenated fluid used in the circulatory system, and something to help modulate the blood pressure of a sapient humanoid."

Bar'soon succeeded in kicking a rolling tray table as he was still being hoisted a foot off the air.

Tsabina pinched the bridge of her nose. "All right, then..." Taking a pacifying breath, she said, "Computer, erect medical force-fields around all new arrivals. And activate EMH, diagnostician mode."

"Aye Ah've been certified for Xenobiology." Dinui said as she moved in closer as the medical force-fields formed around their guests. The largest didn't appear to be injured exactly but he seemed the most annoyed about the level of noise-yelling from the one that was currently in its grasp. "Iffen ye donna mind puttin' down the bellowin' one we can get better idea o' who be hurt an who be jus' none too pleased." She offered in even tones to the big one. She would offer apologies afterwards. First it seemed best to try and calm things down if possible.

"Trust me, is better if this one breathes little. His lungs cannot speak his many words if he has air to fill them," the four-armed alien said, turning his attention to Locke. "Trust me, I have seen this one suffer severe beatings and still rant and rave at full volume. He is resilient."

"I...survived...four mothers...coronations!" Bar'soon squeaked, his blue skin turning purple. " made it...past the soup course!"

"See?" the large alien said, giving Bar'soon a little shake. "Is like plate bug, you can hit him as many times as you like and still is not dead."

Dinui had to bite back a grin, "Be tha' true enough ye still need t' put 'im down so we can be treatin' wounds properly, please?" She said hoping to get the big blue four arm one to listen without further need for interference on more medical personnel if they could focus on more of their new patients it would go easier. Or so she hoped.

TAGS narrator, aliens!

Meanwhile, the EMH fizzled into life. Unlike the balding, somewhat acerbic attitude of the Mark 2 Emergency Medical Hologram, the Traveller had come with a Long-term Emergency Medical Hologram. Enhanced personality setting, and redundant functions to ensure if the medical staff of the ship ever became compromised it could take on the role for an extended period of time.

Of course the fact the LEMH was in the form of a smiling white skinned human male with blonde hair, did lend it a sort of Myriad esque look.

"Hi, I'm the ships LEMH. How can I help?" the holographic doctor said, eyeing the scene with a raised eyebrow. He stepped through the forcefield surrounding the med bay and stepped to the side of Detus. "If I remember right, you said you were a medical tech?"

"I...I am," Detus said, clearly disturbed by the presence of the hologram.

"Excellent. I'm not familiar with your species, which given our mission is not to be unexpected. With your permission, I would like to scan both you and your sister to try and determine a correct course of treatment," the LEMH said with its endearing smile. It was endearing because several focus groups had ticked that box on the survey.

"I...I think I would prefer a living physician," Detus said.

"I will be here to assist," Tsabina assured. "We just have rules to follow, and this is the best way to provide immediate care. Now, do you consent or not?"

"I...I'm not.." Detus began to say, his eyes tracking down to the blooded mittens wrapped around his sister's hands. "Please save her."

"We will do our best. Beginning scan," LEMH said, walking around the biobed as holographic panes of data began to pop up in the air. Whilst all of the data was being piped through his program, the visual interface allowed him to provide a human experience.

"Carbon-based, haemoglobin analogues look to be compatible with Universal Doner Platelets. Blood screen's look acceptable for metatroxin and alphadine for blood pressure and pain relief," LEMH instructed as he moved to Kella side. He gently took her arm, placing it onto the raised portion of the biobed's side. "Multiple fractures in all the distal, intermediate, proximal, metacarpals and carpal bones. Second and third degree burns on 80% of the soft tissue. Nurse Tsabina, please collect two units of UDP from the replicator station, along with a type 4 dermal regenerator."

"Yes... Doctor." Tsabina felt a little awkward taking orders from the hologram, but so far it was shaping up not to be her worst shift in Sickbay.

As he spoke the LEMH undid the bandages, revealing the ruined fingers of the pilot. Blood had caked in places, scabbing, revealing the meat of the muscles looking a livery colour of ageing meat. The three fingers and thumb of the alien hand looked to have far too many knuckles on them.

"Your sister is going to be alright," LEMH began to say to Detus. "The damage is severe, but we can repair most of it."

"Two units of UDP," Tsabina said, handing it over with one hand, "and dermal regenerator." She offered the instrument with her other hand.

Dinui kept her gaze on the pair before her, though she very clearly heard the LEMH description of the injuries he was treating. She could only be quietly impressed by the fact the female wasn't screaming her head off from the pain, she had to be in.

As she watched the expert holographic administrations of the LMH, Tsabina marveled at the nuances of the alien species. In what was anything but a routine shift in Sickbay, they were essentially performing multiple first contacts.

"If nobody has told you yet," she said, her smile warm and wide, "welcome to the Traveller."


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