USS Traveller
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Science talks

Posted on Sun Mar 24th, 2019 @ 1:37am by Lieutenant Commander Shadi Zatra & Master Warrant Officer Tsabina & Lieutenant Dinui Locke (loch) & Lieutenant JG Fal'twip Ru'fiz

2,034 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: S1:4: A Murder Of Crows
Location: science labs
Timeline: after twinkle twinkle, before shindig pt2

Dinui entered the room and looked around, she didn't immediately see either one of the personnel she had in mind originally, so she walked to the inner office and tapped out a quick note to everyone in the Science department. Since she was writing to a mass group she kept the words very clear and precise.

From Lt.j.g. Dinui Locke
To all Science Personnel

I need to speak with all persons with knowledge and comfortable with EVO suit work detail. Reason being there is an upcoming work detail in co-op with security and operations. Please report as soon as possible so we can discuss details of work and plan rotations for the detail.

Thank you.

Dinui read it twice before sending it and then she sat down to wait a bit and see who would show up. If no one showed after half an hour she would have to go looking in other departments for folks willing to help her with it. As she waited she read over the notes she had gathered so far.

Fal'twip was the first to arrive, and he did so hopping mad. Then again he was cranky because so much of his work, so much of his good work, was being interrupted by others. The main computer goes off line, so sorry can't do those growth projections for you. All hands to battle stations, so stop your work and go do something that is not your work!

And now.
Just as he was getting his groove back on.
Just as some of the seedlings were beginning to sprout!

His left foot thumped rhythmically in time with his heart as he looked at Dinui, his ears perfected up and his fuzz fluffed to full boar rage. "Well?"

Dinui eyed him, the feline part of her nature wanted to see if he would be very fast in a race but she was resisting in mention such silly things because it was not the time for it. "We need t' wait fo' the other's to arrive. I donna want t' be repeatin' over an' again." She appreciated his discontent with the interruptions to his work but since he was reporting it meant he at least had knowledge of working within EVO suits.

"Oh! Oh so because you can't arrange a meeting correctly, I have to step aside from my work? My work will feed the replicators and this crew!" with a hop of his powerful legs, Fal'twip was up on the table, the only way he could look down at anyone. "Not all of us get to practise theoretical science!"

Dinui shook her head softly, **~~Most no' hiss even iffen he's rude!~~** Dinui thought to herself as she pulled up the data to display. "Do ye have knowledge o' working in EVO suits?"

The image behind her showed the star system hosting a Red Giant where it's gravitational flux had shattered many of the outer planets and drawn in a significant number of Kelper Belt and Halo Cloud fragments. "We're goin' to be out there soon."

Tsabina walked into the room and could immediately see she was interrupting something. "Out where soon?"

"Our chief science officer is telling us that we are in space," Ru'fiz said with as much sarcasm as four feet of adorable rabbit humanoid could muster. "You don't have to have your ears up and your eyes focused to get that. But why do we need to go out on the hull? We're scientists, not Engineering staffers."

"Well, to start, the Chief Engineer is under indefinite detention and the Ops Chief just laid an egg," Tsabina said wryly. "However, I could probably see about clearing the latter for duty if necessary."

The look on her face suggested that was Tsabina's suspicion for her being summoned.

"And yet that doesn't highlight the need for me to clear my schedule for the afternoon. My fungus grows and I'm not watching it! Or tending its delicate fronds!" Fal'twip said.

"I agree that fungal studies would be more appealing than working on the hull..." Tsabina trailed off. Maybe she should get the Ops Chief down here.

Dinui was surprised by several keys words spoken between the two before her. The accusation of her being the Chief Science officer, from Ru'Fiz, the statement from the medical officer whom she had helped in Sickbay with the aliens she had sent down there, that the Chief Operations officer had laid an egg. She shook her head, "Ru'Fiz ye didna answer me question. Iffen ye'r no' qualifed then ye'r free t' get back t' ye flora an' fuona research." She waited a beat before eyeing the taller woman, "Do ye feel up to hull work t' gather fuel fragments because I canna do the work alone. I donna wan' t' bother Ops Chief a wee Bairn be needing parent egg o' no'."

Tsabina grimaced at the thick accent that made the chief science officer's meaning elusive. "I'll just check in with Sickbay..."

Tapping her combadge, Tsabina said, "Nurse Tsabina to Chief Zatra. Are you available?"

=/\="I'm watching my egg. Unless there's a hull breach, then go find someone else!"=/\=

"Well, as matter of fact, the Science department needs people to go for a walk on the hull, so..."

There was a shriek from the other side. =/\="Pangs! I'll be right down!"=/\=

With that, the channel went dead.

"I suppose we're getting help after all." Tsabina smiled as if she had helped.

"Wait! She's coming here? Lieutenant Zatra is coming here?!" Ful'twip's ears folded back along his skull, and suddenly the resemblance to a frightened rabbit was very obvious. Even his neck ruff of snowy white fur seemed to deflate. Thoughts of teeth, and claws, and oddly enough torn stuffing flying through the air danced in his mind.

"I-really-should-get-back-to-my-fungus-samples," the astrobiologist said in a rush and made a nervous half hop towards the door.

Dinui shook her head as she watched Ru'Fiz hasty retreat, trying to not smile, she looked to medical officer, "Can ye work well in EVO suit situations?" she figured getting at least that answered while waiting for the Operations Chief to come in ready to conquer the area.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Now call off the attack lizard before she arrives!" Fal'twip said, his eyes as big as saucers.

The biological signs of stark raving terror were apparent to Tsabina. "Lieutenant," she said carefully, "maybe we should get you checked out."

At that moment, the doors parted to allow the frenzied egress of the Ops Chief. "Hull breach!" Shadi shouted. "Where's the hull breach?" She was tugging at a breathing apparatus that was proving very difficult to don while hopping into an EVO suit on one leg.

Ful'twip went still. He had heard an old human saying that if he didn't move, the over sized iguana wouldn't be able to see him. Which was nuts, given they were both Starfleet officers. But not too many millennia before creatures like Shadi had made delicious meals out of his species, and instincts that kept you alive to breed more of your kin died hard.

They also giggled a little madly at the farce.

Tsabina bit back a chuckle at the sight of Shadi's struggle with the EVO suit. "I think one of the other lieutenants can help you there."

"Oh." Shadi managed to get her other foot down the pant leg, though that did little more than present a tripping hazard. "Well, speak up, one of you. I don't have all--"

And down she went, face first into the deck.

Fal’twip jumped back. Though really the word jump didn’t cover the sheer vertical leap that saw the furred scientist clear the central lab bench with a triple mid air twist. Fal’twip landed, eyes darting, ears slicked back as he looked for escape.

“I should have taken up botany on New Bombay,” he whined.

"Nobody rush to help me up or anything," Shadi groaned from the floor. She sank her talons into the composite flooring in front of her to give leverage, then lurched into the air, tucked her knees under her, and landed in a crouched position.

Tsabina snapped to attention. "I'm sorry, Lieutenant. You've demonstrated so much resilience in the past, but you're right. You've been through quite an ordeal recently. Perhaps you should get some--"

"No!" Shadi snapped. "If there is exterior hull work to be done, then that is what I am here for." She cast an aspersive glare at Fal'twip in particular. "Not like any of you starving eggheads are any good for it."

Fal'twip shuffled forward and hid behind Tsabina's leg as he peaked out from behind her. He reached up and tugged on her hand.

'If I have to go outside with the dinosaur, you have to come too! She's psychotic!"

It had been forever since Tsabina took a walk on the wild side, but... disaster relief was one of the reasons she got into medicine. "If you think it will help..." she said meekly.

"Help me not get eaten," Fal'twip said quietly.

Dinui shook her head a she eyed the three before her, "Lieutenant Zatra ye have an egg tha' needs tendin' Ah'm sorry bu' would rather ye rest an' be ready iffen there be trouble wi' in the ship." She paused then looked at Ru'Fiz and the medical officer, "When we reach the field, Ah'll take first run wi' Security, workin' in shift augh' t' get all our possible fuel supply," Dinui thought a moment then added seriously, " iffen someone be injuried say so quickly so ye can get help."

"My egg is under the heat lamp," Shadi said. "I ran down here and sssuited up. Now point me at it."

Tsabina considered both women's points. Shadi was only cleared for duty under the most tenuous of technalities, yet Shadi had demonstrated remarkable regenerative abilities in the past and was probably the most qualified to do what needed to be done.

"I'll be happy to partner with Lieutenant Zatra," Tsabina offered, "in order to monitor her condition."

"My 'condition'?" Shadi snapped. "I lost my claws and a leg to the starving Clock Makers not six months ago and here I ssstand. Send the nursemaid along with a milk-drinking mammal and leave the real work to me." Her eyes briefly darted to Fal'twip.

Tsabina sighed and gave a shrug to Dinui. "Let's hear more about field duty. How much fuel materials will need to be collected, and why are Science officers tasked with their collection rather than Operations?"

"Yes, surely her team are more suited to this sort of work. After all my fungal growths are in a rather delicate stage of their devlopment." Fal'twip said, trying to get in early on the reasonable excuse train.

"Shut up about your fungus for a minute," Shadi snipped. "I laid an egg and you don't hear me going on and on about it."

"Direct orders from Captain be why," Dinui said and paused long enough to be sure they heard that point before she added, "... an' we need as much as we can gather since we've no way knowin' distance to next possible chance for fuel conversion." She looked from the three before her, "Iffen ye canna work on this we'll be needin' a new plan."

"Well...why didn't you say the Captain had ordered us to go out?" Fal'twip said, a little indignantly.

Tsabina nodded solemnly. There wasn't anything she wouldn't do to help Remas. Anything.

"Let's do this, then," Shadi said. "I'll be waiting for you milk-drinkers at the airlock."

"We're days away Lieutenant Zatra 'sides didnea the Captain tell ye o' the party tonight?" Dinui looked at Tsabina and Ru'Fiz, "We will meet again tomorrow, to discuss further."

That gave Shadi pause. "Oh. In that case, I'll see you mammals tonight."

Tsabina hid her giggle behind her hand. This Saurian was something else.

Dinui gave a wry grin, "Aye." She didn't trust herself to add further comment, she waved to Ru'Fiz and Tsabina, "Off wi' ye we'll talk more later."


Dinui Locke Lt.j.g. Science officer


LTJG Shadi Zatra


LTJG Fal'twip Ru'fiz


Nurse Tsabina


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