USS Traveller

S1:4: A Murder Of Crows

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

The Traveller has escaped the lair of the High Executor, the leader of the Myriad and architect of the atrocities in Messier 4. But damaged and wounded, the ship must make the 15 light year transit back to Carpathia using the same hopscotch warp tatic as before.

During this transit a young star system is detected in the early stages of planetary development, offering easily accessible resources for the take that will greatly improve the ship's chances. What they find in the dust and debris littered system will challenge the crew, and perhaps end the voyages of the starship Traveller.

Mission Group S1: Where No One Has Gone Before
Start Date Thu Dec 27th, 2018 @ 6:45am
End Date Thu Aug 1st, 2019 @ 7:45am

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Title Timeline Location
Egg-static News
by Lieutenant Commander Shadi Zatra & The Narrator
MD63 20.15PM Guest Quarters | USS Traveller Deck 2
Journeys End
by Lieutenant Commander Shadi Zatra & Captain Remas McDonald & Lieutenant Dinui Locke (loch)
TBD Carpathia System
A Toll Twice Paid
by Lieutenant Chester O'Hamlin & The Narrator
Sickbay, Morgue
A Tour De Force
by The Narrator
MD67: 10AM Carpathia System, Tangerine Dream, Moon XIV
A Traveller's Rest
by The Narrator
MD67: 12AM Carpathia Star System, L5 point of Tangerine Dream, 1.5AU's from Canopus Station
A Captain And His Sheppard
by Captain Remas McDonald
MD63 14.15PM Counsellor's Office
Stellar Derby
by Captain Remas McDonald & Lieutenant Commander Shadi Zatra & Lieutenant Dinui Locke (loch)
MD63 17.15PM Beacon Star System, Debris Cloud
Assignment: Scutt Work
by The Narrator
MD63 12.30PM Canopus Station, Station Operations, Carpathia System, messier 4
Amid All Our Sorrows.
by Captain Remas McDonald & Lieutenant Chester O'Hamlin & Lieutenant Commander Shadi Zatra & Lieutenant Dinui Locke (loch)
MD63 13.45PM Sickbay
The Battle For Main Engineering
by Lieutenant Chester O'Hamlin
MD63 12.45PM Main Engineering
by Master Warrant Officer Tsabina & Lieutenant Dinui Locke (loch)
MD63 12.45PM Sickbay
Come The Thunder, Come The Lighting
by Lieutenant Commander Shadi Zatra & Captain Remas McDonald
MD63 12.45PM Bridge, Deck 1
Fine Feathered Fiends
by Captain Remas McDonald & Lieutenant Chester O'Hamlin & Lieutenant Commander Shadi Zatra
MD63 12.30PM Central Transporter Room
A Crisp Autumnal Stroll
by Lieutenant Commander Shadi Zatra & Lieutenant Dinui Locke (loch)
MD63 11.10 AM Outer hull of the USS Traveller, Beacon star system,
House Call
by Captain Remas McDonald & Lieutenant Chester O'Hamlin
MD63 11.10 AM (Concurrently with Crisp Autumnal Stroll.) Sickbay
Science talks
by Lieutenant Commander Shadi Zatra & Master Warrant Officer Tsabina & Lieutenant Dinui Locke (loch) & Lieutenant JG Fal'twip Ru'fiz
after twinkle twinkle, before shindig pt2 science labs
Of Silver Wings Of Mourning
MD 62 19.15PM Shuttle Bay
Into The Court Of Autumn
MD63 1015AM Beacon star system.
Shindig Mk 2
by Captain Remas McDonald & Lieutenant Chester O'Hamlin & Lieutenant Commander Shadi Zatra & Lieutenant Dinui Locke (loch)
MD 62 19.00PM RecDeck
Twinkle Twinkle
by Lieutenant Dinui Locke (loch)
MD 62 11.00AM Sensor Lab 1
A Garden Of Memories
MD 62 17.00PM Computer Core/Clee'sans Chambers
Computer Feed.
by Lieutenant Commander Shadi Zatra
MD 62 16.00PM Main Computer Core
Another One Bites the Frost
by Lieutenant Commander Shadi Zatra & Master Warrant Officer Tsabina
MD 62 Deck 10, Cryobay 1
Out In The Open
by Captain Remas McDonald & Lieutenant Commander Shadi Zatra & Lieutenant Dinui Locke (loch)
MD 62 10.00AM Map Room

Mission Summary

Having made their escape, the Traveller’s crew much address their wounds both pyhsical and otherwise. The ship has been stressed and strained, an the many repairs needed to restore full functionality to both the vessel and its computer will take time The question of what to do with their efugee’s from abborax’s Ship must be answered.

And finally, Ari’s fate and final dispensation must be addressed.

To give time to solve all of these problems the Traveller’s short journey home is diverted to a young planetary system still in its formative years. There they can hide and lick their wounds, before returning to Carpathia.

But things move within the coulda of dark glittering debris, and its not long before people begin to experience strange waking dreams and bouts of paranoia. The stress of the unknown, or something more sinister...